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Odpowiedzi dodane przez jaro_kr

  1. Version "121018_0846"

    dotyczy modeli:

    Dune HD TV 301

    Dune HD TV 101

    Dune HD Lite 53D

    Dune HD Duo

    Dune HD Max

    Dune HD Smart B1

    Dune HD Smart D1

    Dune HD Smart H1

    Dune HD Base 3.0

    Dune BD Prime 3.0

    Niewielkie zmiany od ostatniej wersji: 120815_2150

    - NOTE: This is a minor update to 120815_2151.

    - Dune HD TV models: Bugfix: Vidimax application could report "error 7" in

    some cases during playback.

    - Bugfix: fixed problem with the playback of certain MMS URLs (the problem

    appeared in the firmware version 120608_1420_beta).

    - Bugfix: playback of MPEG-TS streams w/o audio and with temporary audio

    dropouts could cause problems. (This includes playback of multicast, HLS,

    DVB MPEG-TS streams.)

    - Bugfix: playback of media content via HTTP protocol could cause hangup in

    some cases (e.g. when the server did not respond).

    - HLS playback improvements:

    - By default, the initial quality is now chosen based on the previous

    statistics (remembered till reboot).

    - Various performance and stability improvements.

    - Bugfix: too long HLS URLs were refused to play.

    - media_url: 'hls_initial_bandwidth' parameter extended with new possible

    values: 'auto' and 'auto_high'.

    - More details:

    - Improvements in API for PHP plugins:

    - Default PHP plugin operation timeout increased to 60 seconds.

    - Bugfix: PHP plugin operation was handled in wrong way in some cases.

    - Bugfix: EPG OSD column had wrong title in some cases.

    - Dune HD TV models: Improvements in API for HTML+JS applications:

    - Bugfix: when playing HLS stream, read error events could be wrongly

    generated even in the absence of any errors.

  2. ja mam adeo tensio incell 124' vision gray z napinaczami od marca i jest super + eh-tw5500 - ale nie powiem, instalacja nie była łatwa :), - trudziliśmy sie z gościem od instalacji parę ładnych godzin. no i przy tej szerokości trzeba było wypoziomować idealnie - z tym że materiał jest taki specyficzny jakby podgumowany więc ładnie się rozkłada, żadnej zmarszczki czy falowania - tylko cenka jest lekko zaporowa :( ...

  3. Witam

    Dzięki za link, faktycznie z strony Dune to strasznie wolno idzie, a z tego linku to dość szybko.

    Dla mnie nowa wersja to porażka.

    Chodzi mi o tuner dvb-t - mam go podłączonego do Dune Duo.

    Po wgraniu najnowszej wersji niektóre programy przestały działać - są to programy z MUX 3 - TVP1 i TVP2 (inne z tego mux-a raz działają, a raz nie). Programy z MUX-2 - działają. Skanowałem programy 2 razy i to samo. Wgrałem starą wersję - działa, wgrałem ponownie nową - nie działa. Macie jakieś pomysły - może jakieś ukryte ustawienia?

    Po nowej wersji oczekiwałem dodania EPG, Time-shift , Youtuba - ale się zawiodłem.

    Jedyna szybko zauważalna poprawa to poprawili nazwy na polskie w głównym menu.

    ja nie używam tunera z moim duo ... ale z drugiej strony to beta :), fakt youtube by się przydał albo source direct, na pozytyw - działa wreszczie blu-ray lite - można wreszcie odpalić filmy z iso gdzie wczesniej występował problem z menu w javie


  4. Nowa beta od HDI ....


    Changes since 110923_1710 to 110606_1315:

    NOTE: Includes also all changes from 110923_1710 (see below).

    * Playback improvements:

    - Bugfix: POWER RC button did not work correctly during Blu-ray Lite playback.

    - Bugfix: time-seeks in AVI files muxed with OpenDML structure were very slow when playing from network.

    * Various fixes and improvements.

    - A new boot splash picture.

    - Minor improvements and fixes for Kartina.TV and Tvigle applications.

    - Minor improvements and fixes for GUI skins handling.

    - Minor fixes for some recently introduced features and changes in dune_folder.txt mechanism and related functionality.

    - DHCP support improvement: "client id" sent by the player to DHCP server is reverted back from a non-standard value (introduced in the previous firmware version) to the standard value (0x01 followed by MAC-address).

    - Bugfix: WiFi scan produced no results in some cases. Also, added a button allowing to easily restart WiFi scan.

    - Some menu languages updated/improved.

    - Some other minor fixes.

    * Added emergency settings reset function.

    - In order to use it: put "dune_boot_reset_settings.flag" file into the root of the only USB flash drive connected to the player, then the player will reset settings during boot.

    * IP Control API extensions.

    - Protocol version changed to 2.

    - Improved reporting of current state during playback of IPTV streams.

    - Added information about available audiotracks during playback.

    - Added the possibility to configure the following playback parameters (via "set_playback_state"):

    - video_enabled

    - video_zoom

    - video_fullscreen

    - video_x

    - video_y

    - video_width

    - video_height

    - volume

    - mute

    * Additional features and API changes in the mechanism for the integration of IPTV/VOD services.

    Changes since 110606_1315 to 110923_1710:

    * Added Blu-ray Lite playback function:

    - Supports both ISO images and BMDV folders.

    - Supports BD images with complex file structure.

    - Ensures the minimal gap when transitioning between M2TS files.

    - Allows to choose the version of the movie, bonus materials, etc -- both when starting the playback, and during the playback.

    - Allows to switch audiotracks and subtitles.

    - Allows to navigate across chapters.

    - Supports various functions available in the file playback mode (such as zoom, subtitles shift, convenient time seek, etc).

    * Playback improvements:

    - Added "Auto" setting for preferred language for audio, subtitles and disc menu. This automatically chooses the language based on the chosen interface language. "Auto" is used by default now.

    - "Save zoom settings" option is now enabled by default (affects the player after settings reset to factory defaults).

    - "BOB" deinterlacing mode is now used by default in file/TV playback mode.

    (The reason for the change is that "adaptive" deinterlacing mode currently produces worse results than "BOB" for some kinds of files/streams).

    - When playback starts, the information about the used and available subtitles and audiotracks is not shown any more.

    - REW button during playback of MPEG-TS/PS files now triggers time-seek function instead of ignoring.

    - Improved startup speed of MPEG2-TS files when playing them from network.

    - Bugfix: FF->seek->FF caused wrong speed of fast forward.

    - Bugfix: wrong audio channels configuration on HDMI output could take place in some cases during file playback.

    - Bugfix: specific DVD-Video discs could not be played correctly.

    - Bugfix: specific MPEG2-TS files with DTS streams could not be played correctly.

    - Bugfix: bitstream setting was not affecting S/PDIF for file playback.

    - Bugfix: in some cases, audiotracks in specific MPEG2-TS were not detected.

    - Bugfix: video from a Samsung phone could not be played.

    - Bugfix: MKV files with specific PCM audio tracks could not be played correctly.

    - Bugfix: Switching between MPEG2-video and H.264 streams (e.g. IPTV channels) could not work in some cases because of video memory fragmentation. Related massive reorganizations of the playback engine (a new video memory management architecture).

    - Bugfix: autochoice of audio and subtitles was not working in some cases for MKV.

    - Bugfix: some OGG files were stuttering when playing from SMB share.

    * Multicast IPTV playback improvements:

    - Improved support for playback of very high bitrate IPTV streams.

    - IMGP v2 is now used by default (instead of IGMP v3) for better compatibility with different networks.

    - Faster buffering of multicast streams. Also a new setting (in Setup / Applications / IPTV) allows to manually adjust the buffering period for multicast streams.

    - Faster switching between multicast IPTV channels.

    - Added showing of some information (moving across the screen) for IPTV streams playback (similarly to how it is done for music playback).

    - Added support for VC1 video in multicast IPTV streams.

    - Added support for EAC3 in private type 6 streams (like those found in French DVB-T) in multicast IPTV streams.

    - Added support for AAC LATM in multicast IPTV streams.

    - Bugfix: on some IPTV channels extra non-working BDLPCM and DTS HD MA audio channels were offered.

    - Various other improvements for playback of IPTV multicast streams.

    * Various improvements for working with HDDs:

    - Improved handling of GPT-formatted HDDs (so handling of 3TB+ HDDs is more reliable now).

    - Added a possibility to format huge HDDs (3TB+) on Dune. For HDDs greater than 2TB, GPT partition table is created now. For smaller HDDs, MBR partition table is used as before.

    - Added built-in function of formatting into EXT3 file system.

    - Added built-in function of formatting into NTFS file system.

    - Improved support for formatting of "Advanced Format" HDDs (using 4KB physical sector size). Partitions created by Dune are now always aligned to the boundary of 1MB.

    - When creating partitions, convenient labels are assigned to them now:

    "data" for user data partitions, and "dune_system_storage" for system storage partitions.

    * Improved support for Dune HD Qwerty and USB keyboards.

    - Support for entering text not only in web browser, but also in text fields in the main and setup menus.

    - Improved and more complete key mapping (both in the web browser and in the menu).

    - Support for entering non-English characters (both in the web browser and in the menu).

    - Use ALTGR (RIGHT ALT) key to enter characters from "US International" keyboard layout.

    - Use LANG (LEFT ALT) key to switch input langauges (currently only switching to Russian input language is supported).

    * dune_folder.txt improvements and new features:

    - Added support for configuring the content of the right panel not only in List View mode, but also in Icon View mode. The following parameters are now supported in Icon View mode:

    - paint_item_info_in_details

    - item_detailed_info

    - item_detailed_info_font

    - item_detailed_info_rel_y

    - Added support for so called "sandwich" images (icon painted on top of some base image, cut by some mask, and then some cover image added).

    Parameters and example values:

    - paint_sandwich = true

    - sandwich_base = gui_skin://special_icons/sandwich_base.aai

    - sandwich_mask = cut_icon://{name=sandwich_mask}

    - sandwich_cover = cut_icon://{name=sandwich_cover}

    - sandwich_width = 245

    - sandwich_height = 140

    - sandwich_icon_upscale_enabled = true

    - sandwich_icon_keep_aspect_ratio = false

    - Added support for http://mp4:// media_url syntax which enables certain optimizations helpful for MP4 over HTTP VOD (moov atom prefetch, improved prebuffering, etc).

    - Bugfix: dune_folder.txt: caption_font_size=small usage was broken.

    * RC handling changes during playback (needed mostly to support the new small Dune HD RC):

    - "ENTER" RC button in file playback can now be used to show the playlist menu instead of "POP UP MENU" RC button. To hide the playlist menu, press "RETURN" RC button.

    - "POP UP MENU" RC button in file/DVD playback now shows a new OSD menu which provides access to the following functions (the new small Dune HD RC does not have some of the corresponding RC buttons):

    - Playlist menu (instead of "POP UP MENU" RC button).

    - DVD menu (instead of "POP UP MENU" RC button).

    - Audio track selection (as by "AUDIO" RC button).

    - Subtitle selection and settings (as by "SUBTITLE" RC button).

    - Time search (as by "SEARCH" RC button).

    - Zoom (as by "ZOOM" RC button).

    - Picture adjustement (as by "SETUP" RC button).

    - Deinterlacing mode selection (as by "MODE" RC button).

    - DVD angle switching (as by "ANGLE" RC button).

    - Audio sync correction (as by "A" RC button).

    - PAL sound speed correction (as by "B" RC button).

    - NOTE: some of the above functions show their own submenu. Use "POP UP MENU" to switch from the submenu back to the main functions menu.

    - "SELECT" RC button in file/DVD playback can now be used to switch between different settings in the following functions (the new small Dune HD RC does not have the RC buttons which were previously used for this switching):

    - Zoom (as by "ZOOM" RC button).

    - Deinterlacing mode selection (as by "MODE" RC button).

    - DVD angle switching (as by "ANGLE" RC button).

    - PAL sound speed correction (as by "B" RC button).

    - "LEFT" and "RIGHT" RC buttons during playback can now be used also to control the volume in addition to "V-" and "V+" RC buttons. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "V-" and "V+" buttons. The time-seek function is available for these RC buttons as well: time-seek and volume control functions can be easily switched by pressing "SELECT" RC button (the last chosen function is remembered and is used automatically in future). The default function is volume control on player models which are shipped with the new small Dune HD RC by default (such as Dune HD TV-101), and time-seek (as before) on other player models.

    - "LEFT" and "RIGHT" RC buttons can be used to trigger time-seek function instead of volume control function also in TV/VOD playback mode (such as Kartina.TV), in addition to "REW" and "FWD" RC buttons.

    - "UP" and "DOWN" RC buttons during playback can now be used also to switch between TV-channels/radiostations and other non-seekable media streams in addition to "P-" and "P+" buttons. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "P-" and "P+" buttons.

    - "PREV" and "NEXT" RC buttons can now be used in addition to "P-" and "P+" buttons to perform the same function in many cases (e.g. scrolling in lists). This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "P-" and "P+" buttons. In some cases, when "PREV" and "NEXT" RC buttons are already used for other function (e.g. in EPG menu), "REW" and "FWD" RC buttons can be used instead.

    - "FWD" and "REW" RC buttons can now be used to adjust the "shift" parameter for custom zoom in addition to "V-" and "V+" buttons. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "V-" and "V+" buttons.

    - "FWD" RC button can now be used to toggle not only fast-forward trick modes, but also through slow-forward trick modes. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have separate "SLOW" RC button.

    - "PLAY" RC button is now handled as PLAY/PAUSE (rather than just PLAY) not only during file playback mode, but also during DVD and Blu-ray playback (and also in TV/VOD playback). This is needed for overall consistency, and also because the new small Dune HD RC does not have dedicated "PAUSE" button (only combined "PLAY/PAUSE" button).

    - "CLEAR"-then-"PLAY" RC button combination can now be used as "quick play" function (i.e. quickly go directly to the main video, skipping DVD menus etc) during DVD playback in addition to "SEARCH"-then-"PLAY". This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "SEARCH" button.

    - "B" RC button in DVD playback can now be used to toggle DVD-menu-navigation and time-seek mode instead of "SELECT" RC button.

    - "SELECT" RC button can now be used to toggle showing of advanced technical information in addition to the basic information block (shown by "INFO" RC button) in TV/VOD playback modes (such as "Kartina.TV") in addition to "MODE" RC button. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "MODE" button.

    * RC handling changes in the main menu (needed mostly to support the new small Dune HD RC):

    - "A" RC button can now be used to toggle the input language in text fields in addition to "AUDIO" RC button. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "AUDIO" RC button.

    - The web browser item in the main menu now shows the dialog allowing to enter the URL of the web site. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "URL" RC button which could be previously used to show this dialog.

    - "REW" RC button can now be used to generate debug dump in addition to "PAUSE" button. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have dedicated "PAUSE" button (only combined "PLAY/PAUSE" button).

    - "REC" RC button can now be used to toggle "safe video mode" function in addition to "MODE" button. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "MODE" button.

    - "POWER" RC button can now be used to generate screenshots (when the corresponding setting is enabled in Setup / Misc / Advanced) in addition to "EJECT" RC button. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "EJECT" button.

    - Pop up menus in file browser now always include "Refresh" item. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "ANGLE/ROTATE" RC button which could be previously used to request the refresh).

    - Pop up menus in the root screens of the main menu now include "Setup" item. This is needed because the new small Dune HD RC does not have "SETUP" RC button, and in some GUI settings there is no other way to get into setup menu.

    - "STOP" RC button in most dialogs is handled as "RETURN". This in particular helps to ensure the ability to trigger "safe video mode" function when there is no picture on TV in any player state: turn the player off/on, wait for the player to boot, press "STOP" RC button to ensure the player exits playback mode or possibly shown "Waiting for ..." dialog, and finally press "REC" RC button to enter "safe video mode" function.

    * Web browser improvements:

    - Improved highlighting of the focused element.

    - Improved handling of authorization dialogs.

    - Web browser can now use the flash memory storage instead of the system storage for storing some important data and settings.

    * Integrated "" Internet Video service.

    - (Russian language only.)

    * Kartina.TV application changes and improvements:

    - The password is hidden now.

    - The max.number of favorite movies is increased from 20 to 100.

    - Improved handling of channels/groups lists (fixed ordering etc).

    - Added Sleep Timer function (by default is set to 2 hours).

    - Improved handling of interruption of VOD streams.

    * Added a mechanism for the integration of IPTV/VOD services.

    - If you are an IPTV operator or are willing to implement the integration with a 3-party TV/VOD service (and have all the needed information and abilities to do it) and are interested in getting the SDK for the integration, please send a request to iptv_integration (at), and describe: what exactly TV/VOD service you want to integrate and what access/control you have on that service.

    * DHCP support improvements:

    - Added sending of the following identification information to DHCP server:

    - Host name: "DUNE".

    - Vendor class identifier: "DUNEHD".

    - Added a possibility to configure time settings via DHCP:

    - NTP time server (standard DHCP parameter). In order to use this feature, time server in player's settings should be set to "Auto", and DHCP server should be configured to provide this parameter.

    - Time zone (vendor specific DHCP parameter, code "4"). In order to use this feature, time zone in player's settings should be set to "Auto", and DHCP server should be configured to provide this parameter.

    * Other fixes and improvements:

    - Improvements for setup screens (added previously missed animation, some other minor improvements).

    - More robust handling of GUI skins.

    - Main menu: the text with details in the right panel has bigger contrast now in order to better support various backgrounds.

    - WiFi: Both "WEP Open" and "WEP Shared" are supported now.

    - Bugfix: online firmware upgrade could fail to download firmware image in some cases.

    - Bugfix: firmware upgrade could not start in some cases.

    - Bugfix: during firmware upgrade, timezone was not taken into account and wrong time was shown on the screen.

    - Bugfix: GUI crash could occur in some cases after using "Clear flash memory storage" functions.

    - Bugfix: on saving some player settings, writing to flash memory was not properly flushed in some rare cases (could cause settings loss or corruption if the player was unexpectedly powered down at this point).

    - Robustness improvement: added automatic recovery for flash memory partition storing player settings (it is now automatically reformatted on player boot if the settings partition is found to be damaged because of some previous unexpected player power down).

    - Bugfix: minor fixes in DVB-T scanning function.


  5. [b]Nowy soft dla Tvixa 6500-7000 1.3.25 Pre-release2[/b]

    [b]Zmiany od wersji 1.3.21:[/b]

    - Fixed DTS output through HDMI as PCM even though DTS Audio output set
    as Digital
    - Fixed FLAC and other audio format many not sound when the digital is
    set for audio output.
    - Fixed PCM is output when playing DVD with audio output type is set to
    - Fixed MP3 and other audio file doe not sound after reboot.
    - Fixed audio does not sound through HDMI in DTV mode.
    - Fixed other minor bugs.

    Known issues
    - Audio channel and frequency may not correct when playing TP/TS/M2TS
    - When HD Audio pass-through is on, SPDIF does not sound either.
    - If HD Audio Pass-through is set to off, the file may not play
    - Some WMV files may not played.
    - Playing some tp/ts/m2ts files cause system reboot.
    - Does not support digital output for AAC ,WMA codecs.
    - In some case with HDMI connection, you may see purple image. This will
    be cleared when you turn off and on the display or reapply the video
    output setting.
    - If you play files without refreshing the file list after delete files
    through FTP or SAMBA server, the system will reboot.



  6. [quote name='Pwiosna' post='91670' date='17.03.2008, 17:58 ']A co z napisami zaszytymi w plik mkv? czyta je?[/quote]

    wydaje się że tak - mam spidermana 3 w 1080p w mkv z napisami (niestety chyba niderlandzkie) i są wyświetlane,
    - ale niestety brak dzwięku po hdmi ( wma10pro - przynajmniej tak pokazuje po naciśnięciu info) a na wyjściu stereo, optyku i coaxialu bez problemu ;(


  7. [quote name='Pwiosna' post='91577' date='17.03.2008, 11:24 ']Odtwarza filmy mkv z napisami w plikach txt, srt?
    Czy lepiej wstawić napisy od razu w filmie mkv. Czy odtwarza napisy wstawione w filmie?[/quote]

    Odtwarza w srt (txt jakoś nie mają synchronizacji), tylko lepiej je załadować po jakichś 5 sek. - jeśli napisy są ładowane razem z filmem potrafi się podwiesić z miłym napisem Loading... na wyświetlaczu.


  8. a tak dla informacji jeśli nie macie nic przeciwko czytaniu po angielsku:

    [url=""]link 1[/url]

    [url=""]link 2[/url]

    w linku 2-im co prawda poprzedni model, ale myślę że też warto spojrzeć

    oraz tu:

    [url=""]link 3[/url]

    (mam nadzieję że wskazanie na obce forum nie będzie niemile widziane :) )



  9. Witam,

    panowie mam nadzieję że nie będziecie zbytnio rozczarowani :rolleyes:
    niestety nie jestem posiadaczem telewizora z matrycą KURO: (ale być może już niedługo...w planie, może uda się sprowadzić model z USA - wiem wiem zaraz pojawią się słowa krytyki że 110 V itd - ale cena o ok. 50% i bogatsze wyposażenie kuszą :lol: )

    na codzień używam:

    plazma 43 PDP435XDE (cokolwiek wiekowa - podstawowa wada to właśnie marne odwzorowanie czerni, druga to "tylko" HD ready - lecz gdy ją kupowałem prawie 4 lata temu to było mistrzostwo świata :) - cena oscylowała w okolicach dzisiejszego LX5080, jeśli nie była nawet większa)
    VP50pro od około tygodnia (jeszcze bez HD-SDI - jak pojawi się u mnie jakiś odtwarzacz zmodowany z HD-SDI to wtedy będzie sens dokupienia takiej karty - a przynajmniej warte to będzie rozważenia) - poprzednio przez ponad rok VP30 z kartą deinterleicera ABT102. > na wyjściu do plazmy 720p lub 1080i w zależności od zaprogramowanego profilu do konkretnego źródła.
    źródła sygnału różne: od Dreamboxa z wyjściem komponentowym,
    konsoli Ms XBOX360 - komponent
    Sony Playstation3 -HDMI, odtwarzacza DVD Pioneera z HDMI > puszczam sygnał 576i choć odtwarzacz posiada skaler ale jest on kiepskiej jakości,
    mediaplayer TViX - 4100 z HDMI > na wyjściu w zależności od materiału od 571i do 1080p

    testowałem DVDO z oprócz posiadanym sprzętem także z projektorami HD Ready oraz Full HD oraz z kilkoma modelami LCD i plazm - i to właśnie z projektorami widać największe efekty na wyjściu jeśli używamy procesora.
    Na pewno mogę powiedzieć że im większa przekątna ekranu tym efekty pracy urządzenia są lepsze - usuwanie artefaktów które są wynikiem kompresji materiału źródłowego jest na wysokim poziomie - ten sam sygnał puszczony w trybie pass through - wyglądał w 80-90 % urządzeń wyświetlających dużo gorzej.
    Jako że VP50pro posiadam od ponad tygodnia, muszę jeszcze przeprowadzić trochę testów dla materiałów HD by w pełni ocenić efekty obróbki sygnałów HD - jeśli chodzi o obróbkę SD to tutaj dużym plusem jest likwidacja zniekształceń typu mosquito na krawędziach skompresowanego obrazu - faktycznie eliminuje je dość skutecznie - obraz SD z satelity nie jest może idealny ale wszystko zależy od bitrate'u w jakim jest przesyłany ( obowiązuje zasada im większy bitrate na wejściu tym lepsze efekty na wyjściu)
    dla mnie głównym celem jest i było polepszenie obrazu SD z przekazów satelitarnych na ekranie plazmy oraz z filmów DVD - pierwszy krok ku HD :lol: - przecież takiego materiału używam na co dzień oraz zastosowanie jednego urządzenia które będzie urządzeniem zbiorczym dla sygnałów video (hubem?) i będzie wstępem do rozbudowania posiadanego zestawu i zapewni możliwość łatwej migracji do pełnego HD w najbliższej przyszłości - na pewno jest to pierwszy krok.ku temu.
    A na koniec mogę powiedzieć to że wg mnie elektronika skalująca i obrabiająca materiał w procesorze radzi sobie o rząd wielkości lepiej z obróbką sygnałów i dostosowywaniem jej do zdefiniowanej wcześniej rozdzielczości natywnej podłączonego wyświetlacza, niż którykolwiek z widzianych przeze mnie ekranów czy to plazm czy też LCD - u nas jest to jeszcze urządzenie mało znane i popularne ale za oceanem mało kto wyobraża sobie budowę zestawu prawdziwego kina domowego bez procesora video, a dla osób które widziały efekty obróbki sygnału SD przez procesor DVDO raczej nie ma alternatywy ;)

    uff. ale się rozpisałem


  10. [quote name='BoDeX' post='79693' date='15.01.2008, 22:26 ']W związku z DEZERCJĄ kolegi Andsie1 i brakiem możliwości zaspokojenia swojej ( i wielu Forumowiczów ) ciekawości co do przydatności VP50 , nawet w wersji PRO,
    w łańcuchu urządzeń ze źródłem HD , zwracam się do Ciebie z zapytaniem . Czy jesteś w stanie nawiązać konstruktywną wymianę zdań na ten temat w innym wątku ?

    Nie będziemy tu zaśmiecać KUROwcom , założymy inny wątek .


    BoDeX ®[/quote]

    Możemy spróbować - choć z czasem u mnie krucho, ale postaram się odpowiedzieć w miarę możliwości na pytania.


  11. Witam,

    jestem użytkownikiem tego forum od połowy 2006 > raczej biernym :) > ale czytając i śledząc różne wątki dyskusji nt. dotyczące technologii HD przychylam się do opinii andsie > (i wreszcie coś piszę :)) - sam jestem posiadaczem VP50 - teraz w wersji Pro (wcześniej vp20, potem vp30) i muszę powiedzieć że kwestia poprawy obrazu SD czy HD na wyjściu bardzo zależy od jakości podanego materiału na wejściu - to fakt. Oczywiście to trzeba zobaczyć - jedni widzą różnicę - dla drugich będzie ona prawie niedostrzegalna. Ale tak jak wspomniał kolega andsie to są nasze zabawki (hobby) i dążymy do jak najlepszych efektów na końcu (czytaj możliwie najlepszego wg. nas samych obrazu HD lub SD).
    Zadziwiające jest jednak chyba to - i dla mnie samego chyba najbardziej, że jednak najlepsze efekty daje obróbka sygnałów SD np. z tunera TV SAT do rozdzielczości natywnej wyświetlacza (czy to LCD, PLAZMY czy też projektora) - im większa przekątna tym bardziej widać efekty! przy materiale HD różnice są mniejsze - o ile je ktoś zauważy.
    Tego typu urządzenia są raczej zaprojektowane do pracy z dużymi przekątnymi ekranu i efekty ich pracy na małych przekątnych tzn. 40-50 cali mogą być nie tak efektowne jak przy 100-200. wtedy właśnie widać wszelkie niedoskonałości materiałów - a SD szczególnie i eliminacja zniekształceń lub efetków złej kompresji obrazu nabiera szczególnego znaczenia.


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